Rosettes and prize money will be generally awarded as per the British Dressage rules. These state that:Rosettes will be awarded to placed riders based on the number of starters for a given class and based on the scale below. One placing for each four starters. For example, if a class has 1 to 4 entries then a 1st place rosette will be given and so on.

# of entries Highest placing
1-4 1st
5-8 2nd
9-12 3rd
13-16 4th
17-20 5th
21-24 6th

Prizes will be stated in the schedule. In the event of entries falling below the minimal scale (as shown in the table below) the number of prizes will be reduced.

# of entries Prizes
5-8 entries 1st
9-12 entries 2nd
13-16 entries 3rd

Prizes and rosettes will be sent to prize winners by post following completion of judging and the publication of results. When the prizes are in cash (or a third party gift voucher cannot be used in the winner’s country) the prizewinner has the option of choosing a voucher to go towards a future Dressage Anywhere entry.